Feels like a 1.5 instead of a sequel.
I did enjoy the improvements of the pawn system, but the plague didn't need to be a thing.
While some classes were improved feel great to play, others feel slow and unbalanced. Melee combat no longer has auto-snapping and feels a bit sloppy now. Ragdoll physics introduce bugginess and weird fights.
This was their chance to improve their archaic systems and mechanics, but all they did was port the game to a new engine. Ferrystones and Portcrystals are still the fastest way to travel if you don't use an ox cart to a major city. (And Capcom has the nerve to charge real money for them.) No mounts or any type of climbing tools. Mostly same premise and story with a weaker ending/antagonist. Post game is cool, but when the game ended, I was extremely disappointed with how short the main quest was. Nothing felt earned like the first game.
May return to it when the expansion drops, but I have no interest in touching this game again.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024
