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Absolutely fantastic return to 2D mario after 10 years with no new games, and almost 20 since the last change in formula. Not without it's growing pains of course, boss variety is terrible with Bowser Jr having 4 slightly varying but equally piss easy fights, the 3 Airships (if you even want to consider them as bosses) being some of the easiest in any Mario game, and Bowser himself having fantastic presentation, but also being extremely disappointing and lacking in terms of difficulty. Powerup variety is also a little disappointing, having only 4, though they're use within levels, as well as the Wonder seeds providing occasional transformation effects, more than makes up for that.

Level design was incredible, each one either providing some brand new concept to spice things up, or expanding an already fun concept to it's highest limit to make for some incredibly challenging and rewarding platforming. Collectables were just sorta ok, though I feel like this was done intentionally to ensure that veteran players could enjoy the tough challenging levels, while still making sure that kids and more casual players could beat the game in their own time, through each level granting a wonder seed at the very end, as well as all of the freebies, which I can definitely appreciate.

It was sort of confusing that the game didn't lean more into it's musical theming, with so many levels having rhythm gimmicks, including the entire finale, and even the minor changes to rhythm blocks to make them more vibrant, makes me feel like there should've been a music powerup.

Overall I'm extremely happy with how this game ended out, especially with it's main gimmick, which basically guarantees that even if the formula is repeated a million times like NSMB was, at the very least we'll get a tonne of creative ideas out of it.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2023
