Very tight gameplay experience with some unfortunate narrative setbacks. Plot feels rather unfocused, like it can't decide if it wants to be the epic Adaam/Mythra backstory, or the sorry Jin/Lora expansion, which ultimately leaves both stories falling rather flat.

I can't find myself getting too invested in Adaam and Mythras story because the build up and context surrounding the events was already well explained in the base game, and there wasn't really any way they could expand on that meaningfully, which kinda just leaves them feeling like they're there to fill a quota. Wheras Loras story, which SHOULD'VE had the most focus, feels underdeveloped and somewhat shoehorned in with bizarre out of character moments (such as when she walked in on Jin), as well as the second worst character in the series as an antagonist. Torna was originally planned to be included as part of the base game, and Loras story feeling somewhat randomly inserted is definitely a result of Moniloth having to expand it into its own thing.

Additionally, Mythas character felt BUTCHERED to me. Her initial introduction in the best game didn't leave the best impression either, but with the context provided beforehand that hinted at her awakening, as well as later on as the story progresses, somewhat justified her shitty attitude. Torna absolutely RUINS THIS by showing that, even before the traumatic events unfolded, she was just a fucking entitled asshole, the way she treats the rest of the cast is insufferable and makes her way more unlikable than she should be. If not for her lategame portrayal in the base game she'd probably be one of my least favorite characters because she's so fucking RUDE and ANNOYING in Torna, getting into frequent arguments with an ACTUAL CHILD (who also isn't that great of a character).

Gameplay is really good, could do better with some more customization options like the base game provided but overall provides a satisfying spin that makes it refreshing to visit. To date I still find Torna to be the most fun area to explore in the series, the perfect balance of enemy difficulty, map secrets, quests and unique landscapes that still manage to blend together in such a satisfying way.

The mandatory questing is extremely annoying to be sure but in a vacuum Torna is one of the much easier and more enjoyable games across the Xeno series to go for 100% in, save the golden monsters which suck ass and aren't fun to fight in the slightest. Debatably, and in my opinion, the best looking game in the series, character design is ON POINT with the most visually interesting cast in the series, the new designs for Minoth and Adaam being some of my favorites in the series, while environment design looks absolutely GORGEOUS.

Regardless of my problems with the story, Torna, and XC2s expansion pass in general, sets a standard for add on content that very few games are ever able to match, once again cementing Monilothsofts position as game design wizards within the development world.

Also Hugo is there. He doesn't do much, if anything, but he is Hugo, and Hugo is hype, so +1 point for him.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2023
