I started playing this after I finished Control to understand the AWE DLC better, I loved Control but I'm kinda dissapointed by Alan Wake.

The atmosphere and setup in this game is amazing, but it constantly ruins it by alerting you to enemies nearby, I've had that mechanic break a few times and it was much better experience.

Honestly I think the worst thing about Alan Wake is that it is a game. The mechanics and gameplay are absolute dog shit, The shooting mechanics feel terrible and staring at enemies before you can shoot them sounds like a good concept, until it takes a good 10 seconds for the enemies later into the game.
I can't count the amount of times I got glitched on enemies and objects and don't get me started on Alan's two meter sprint distance.

Also the sound design is terrible, the cutscenes are too quiet and when the taken get near you the sound starts BLASTIN.

I'm kinda ranting here after I just finished the game but I would recommend you play this if you like atmospheric games, just don't expect a good gameplay experience.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2022
