This shit sucks so much ass. Holy shit. What type of crack were they smoking back then? This game is arguable contender for worst game ive played, so much so that i dont even know where to being. The atb bar is back for some fucking reason. I dont like the atb bar, and i dont know why square has kept it around for 6 games up till x-2. FFX had a great system with the ctb bar. It made the game more methodical but also retains the speed too. The atb bar is fucking boring, its either too god damn fast where you just hit the first option that seems optimal or its awfully slow like FF9. Theres also not much thought that goes into playing an rpg with the atb gauge, you pretty much do the same shit in every game from FF4 to 9. X-2 does little to make itself stand out from a game like FF3. A game that came out on the nes. In 1990. On way inferior hardware. The dresspheres is just ff3's class system but they tell you what they do at least unlike 3. The gameplay is damn near identical, i dont even thinks theres limit breaks in this game which was a part of every game from 7 to 10. I'd love for someone to tell me what about this gameplay is so drastically different from the nes games. I could tell you why 8, 9 and 10 play way differently but this game? Hell no. Its dull, the battle music isnt even good, and it does nothing to deserve the name of an main finaly fantasy title.

The story is nothing. It just shows the character from the 1st game but now theyre living boring normal lives now. Paine is a nothing character whos only purpose i belive was to be the female warrior character in the party. Rikku is a gag character. Yuna is kinda interesting in how drastic her character shifts but its so unrewarding because we, the players, dont really get to see the change occur. It just time skips ahead and now shes a new character. The game comes off like im playing a shiiltty charlies angel rpg. I dont like the multiple endings, i dont like the perfect one. Getting 100% to get the real ending is a fucking wild decision, whoever made it needs to be fired. Mission select is especially annoying considering you could waste time in an area thatll kick your ass. The creature mechanic is awful and confusing, why did this need to be a thing? Game just woke up and decided it wanted to be pokemon for a bit. The music sucks ass, albeit the theme on the airship is pretty cool. People say "its fine, its just camp". Just because its camp doesnt make it good, its still a slog to play through. Theres plenty of game that are both but this one is not. To reiterate, this game just feels like square enix wanted to make a game that was a rpg about charlies angels, and just ripped the characters from a pretty good game and just fucked it all up. Going from 10 to this feels like playing mario galaxy and then playing mario on the nes. The only reason id prefer playing this over FF3 is because 3 is annoyingly bad at points, but has better highs where this game is just boring all the way through. Its like choosing between two different piles of shit. I went in with expectations that it wasnt gonna be as good but it cant possibly be that bad after a quality game like 10. Now im just sad and upset.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2023
