I told this story over on my Letterboxd but your getting the free DLC here on Backloggd.

After I watched the new Super Mario Bros. movie I recounted my memories of my late father and how he helped mold me into the giga nerd that I am today. My earliest memory of my life is of my dad playing the OG NES Super Mario Bros. on the Wii’s Virtual Console but the second one I have is of him playing this game. What’s special about this game is that I couldn’t figure out what the game was for many many years. Mario was iconic and easy to remember but Zuma was something I only remember through the gameplay and I wasn’t actively searching for it so it kinda just lingered in the back of my head for years. I remember quite recently I was looking at PopCap DS games after I had purchased the DS version of PvZ and I stumbled upon Zumba’s Revenge. I immediately recognized the little frog guy and was able to connect the dots from there and thusly I pieced together another long forgotten memory. That’s why this game is special to me. It’s no Peggle but it reminds me of my dad so that’s kinda nice I think.


Reviewed on Apr 09, 2023
