Amazing character creation, and amazing lore (this gave us most of what we know about daedra in the elder scrolls), I mean, we are literally in a medieval magic powered spaceship, how is that not cool?

The game starts with a very interesting character creation system with a point system that lets you debuff yourself in exchange for more points to spend on more skills or stats. It's one of the most interesting systems I've interacted with.

It also has an interesting system where you can talk to the enemies instead of just fighting them, perhaps convincing them to not fight or help you.

That's cool and all... if I could control my character. I'm being serius when I say that if you press forward, your character doesn't go forward. Is skews to a side randomly, you don't have the same speed in every angle and it doesn't seem to be consistent with anything for you to get used to it. That literally made me quit the game. It's unbearable. Which is sad, because I had tons of fun making the character.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2023


11 months ago

set cycles to maximum 200000 in the dosbox config (this is the highest clock speed you could get on hardware of the time). the movement glitch will still be present but much more tolerable and much less noticeable. the game will perform worse, but it will be playable.

11 months ago

Hey, didn't know that, might try again. Thanks man!