I almost put DmC down after Kat talked about how her portals to Limbo were made using squirrel semen. I'm really not sure why all the most cringe aesthetics and dialogue exchanges are frontloaded here, it's as though Ninja Theory didn't want anyone to take its spin on Devil May Cry seriously. Moments like the white hair gag in mission 1 seem like philosophical skill checks: are you okay with this legendary series being humiliated by awkward PS3/360 era art direction and writing?

If you can resist the urge to eject the game in those first few missions, there really is a super solid action game waiting for you. It's not as deep or as challenging as Capcom's core games, and it never quite rises to the same heights. But I feel like even DMC3, for as amazing as it is, gets bogged down between combat encounters: Temen-ni-gru is kind of boring to explore, the diet exploration and puzzle solving isn't especially fun.

Ninja Theory really stripped a lot of the downtime out of 3+4, replacing it with a revolving set of interesting location and actually fun platforming. There's one boring puzzle, but every game gets one boring puzzle pass. DmC is breezy and stylish, it's the archetypally modern streamlining of a niche gameplay style and series. I don't think that's necessarily bad. Especially since the combat flows really well here too.

This game is nowhere near the top of my DMC ranking but as a cohesive experience I like it more than DMC 4. It's the 'better' Devil May Cry game of that generation, I think.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
