lol it’s wild how much I remembered this having a proper story, it’s genuinely just “kill Ares” and then a big (good) infodump at the end

Found this really annoying to play in 2022, I don’t think I understood the combat and just spammed the L1+Square spin move the whole time. The checkpoints are really bad at times and some of the puzzles are very annoying.

Still worth playing imo but I just remember it being so much better! Might be due to playing most of it on a Steam Deck while watching movies etc but I felt like at times I had no clue what the actual goal of each little area was. Really eager to try out 2 and 3 again to see what improvements they made.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2022


1 year ago

I'm glad I saw this review because I've felt the same way about this game for a while.

It's taken me over a year to finish because I have a hard time sticking with it. I think the spaces between narrative progression and checkpoints can make it pretty frustrating and hard to follow.

It's still a pretty damn good hack and slash for its time... I've just been hesitant to finish and move onto the other games because I don't know if I can sit through the same thing two more times. Do you think it would be worth going forward with the other two, or focusing my attention elsewhere?

1 year ago

Yeah I'd say it's worth sticking out! I finished it in 8 hours so it's pretty short. I played 2 ages ago and never finished 3 but from what I remember 2 was a lot better in terms of cool moments and real story.

And not sure if you've played them yet but even though they are pretty self contained, I think it's worth playing these early games before 2018 and Ragnarok.