The Callisto Protocol is a fantastic video game and I don't really understand why this has gotten nearly the hate that this has. Because it's not Dead Space? I'm sorry, but people constantly complain about wanting new IP with new ideas, we finally get that and people just long for Deadspace. This game is rad. It's got a fantastic AAA level quality story, incredible atmosphere, fun gameplay. It's not perfect and has issues, the ending gets a little stupid difficulty wise, and it loses some of the scares when they constantly flood at you, but this is a valiant first attempt from this studio. Great game and one of the better one from 2022.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023


I really liked this until that stage with the elevator fight. I hated that and everything else afterward. Top tier graphics and presentation bogged down by antiquated and flat out ridiculous game design.

1 year ago

Honestly the ending got a little silly with some of the difficulty and the spike so I do get that. But the story was really engrossing to me. I'm a weirdo that cares more about story and characters than gameplay so at the end of the day I just switch to easy if I get too frustrated and enjoy lol