Big takeaway from this one: Jon Snow really didn't know anything did he?

Big takeaway from this one: Grafitti is bad mmkay.

It's DLC so I'm not giving this a score, but the music and ending boss fight alone make it worth it. Fucking fantastic.

Big takeaway from this one: That a game can still be worthwhile in spite of the worst protagonist I've ever played as in a video game.

Big takeaway from this one: More games need collectable nudie mags.

This was my first jump into the Metro Universe and I didn't know exactly what to expect here. The game starts slow. VERY slow, and by about the halfway point, I was considering dropping as I wasn't super into it, but I'm glad I stuck with it as the back half gets a lot more exciting with some genuinely great moments (and some stuff that rivals some of the best survivor horror games).

The atmosphere for the game is fantastic, and easily does most of the heavy lifting here. Some of the sim elements are great (I love the idea of wiping down your visor, pumping up your guns) and the gunplay while not great, is certainly satisfying. Now, my biggest complaint here is the story and the characters. They are certainly solid, just nothing to write home about, and I do wish I cared more about the narrative that was being presented to me, but obviously they went more for the atmospheric route.

Overall I did enjoy this game, and I look forward to trying Last Light at some point, and hopefully get a stronger narrative experience out of it.

Big thing I learned from this one: He has no style. He has no grace. This game, you just gotta embrace.

This was a staple of my childhood, trying to play this damn game and figuring out how to get pas the part with the pidgeons and the bread.

I'm so glad to finally come back years later and experience this wonderful game. First of all, pound for pound, this might have one of the best stories for a Lucas Arts adventure game, and some of the best characters. Manny and Meche's story is just wonderful and something you want to see until it's conclusion.

I will say, some of the puzzles in this game are peak annoyance. Some of them are just so so bad here, and even with a walkthrough and it can be so finicky and annoying to get everything right, worse then a lot of the golden era point and clickers.

Still though, for just story alone, this game is absolutely fantastic, and it's such a shame we've never once seen anything else from this world. I'ts so unique and lovingly done. Long live Manny!!

Big takeaway from this game: Time travel makes me need a smoke.

Big takeaway from this one: I'll miss Pixel Opus :(

Running out of lives and being sent back to the very start of a zone is no bueno for me. Not fun.

Big takeaway from this game: Never trust wacky arm inflatable tube men.

This was generously gifted to me by a friend, Parrott, so thank you for that!

I needed something a little bit shorter to play after the ride that was DQXI and this was suggested by him, and with the massive Visual Novel kick I've been on (and a fan of other games like this) I decided to give this a spin. I quite enjoyed my time with it! It's not trying to be anything it's not. Just an ultra chill ultra short (probably too short) game of you serving coffee and helping people's lives. Most of the characters are generally interesting, and it's an interesting world that's developed here, and again, the kind of thing I do wish it was a little longer and fleshed out more. What's here though is totally enjoyable and fun. I'll check out the sequel someday.

Big takeaway from this one: You can travel across infinite timelines, and no chad greater than Daru will ever be found.