It has a really good story/premise but sadly accompanied by a very poor execution, one of the worst I've seen.

Most story quests with actual good story is usually accompanied by terrible gameplay such as "talk to this person, then this person and so on" or "find and grab this 8 items nearby" and then walking back and forth over and over again, there's like a hundred quests making me go from one corner to another corner of Liyue just to talk to people back and forth, it's like grinding the poor gameplay design just to get to the good ones like actually fighting the enemy which can get a bit boring since enemies outside of the spiral abyss are like bubbles, it takes an average of 10 seconds just to beat them sometimes more depending on the number, but it's still better than the other gameplay mechanic.

The grind in this game is also very repetitive since you will 100% replay the same dungeon over and over again due to RNG, but I don't consider that game-breaking since it is an RPG game and therefore a level of grinding is needed. However, the grinding is definitely designed in the most RNG way possible, so that you wouldn't have a "good" artifact for your team in the first few hundred tries, giving you a reason to continue playing the game since there's a very clear lack of endgame content so it acts as something like a long term "goal" similar to raiding dungeons in MMOs but infinitely much worst, it is definitely something worth noting of.

The events in this game are also pain, some of it is good and engaging but most of it is actual pure pain. It either has a really poor gameplay mechanic or just sends you from one point in the map to another to talk to someone repeatedly for at least 6x like what I've discussed early on (writing this I realized that the devs could (somewhat) write a decent story, they just don't know how to dump the story onto the players), even some puzzle level in events are poorly designed. I am still traumatized by how tedious the first anniversary event is. The saving grace and what really makes this game popular is honestly just the waifus, and the story (somewhat) but mostly waifus, other than that, everything is just poorly executed.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2022
