And now after like 20 years (I play games slow asf) I've beaten YS Memories of Celceta.) Bro this game isn't even as bad as people make it out to be. It's just a solid YS game. Nothing more, Nothing Less. (That final battle against **** was cool asf tho.)

This game, while not being the craziest definitely was super fun to play. The H-Scenes weren't half bad either. Especially with the hot and cute artwork. I will say the game is a bit easy tho especially cuz you can become broken and run through bosses like nothing lol. (Some mini-bosses would just stand there and I'd just shoot them until they died) But all in all is was a sexy and fun experience. (The Chaos Queen is the hottest.) 🥵🤣🤣

It's far from being a bad Sonic game but, there are definitely some things I didn't like. Emerald abilities were pretty fun to use yes, but I felt like they didn't need to be used most of the time. The levels are actually pretty unique for the most part. Some boss are good and creative but the major bosses definitely felt kind of unbalanced in a way. Story was a bit confusing but let's be honest, you aren't really playing this game for the story. And finally the music. This game's music is so bad and good at the same time. Because they decided to make the soundtrack split into a bunch of different artists, the music is all over the place. Some good and some bad. It's quite literally a 50/50. All in all it's not a bad game, I just wish it was bit better than how it turned out.