Sea of Stars is my 2023 game of the year. The pixel art is amazing. All of the visuals are colorful and practically bounce off of your screen. The visual effects really add to the environmental story telling as well.

The sound design is superb. I really enjoy the fact that you can simply walk around in any zone and you hear birds, walking, water, etc... It also adds to the environmental story telling.

The combat is really well done, similar to Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger. Time your attacks and blocks correctly and it will benefit you more in the end. It also works with items, spells and combos.

The MUSIC has to be my favorite thing about Sea of Stars. Every single time I was playing this game I could not help but either stop for a moment to appreciate the music or constantly bob my head and feet along with it. This soundtrack needs to be put on Spotify.

5/5 game. I recommend this to anyone, especially RPG fans. Well done!

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2023
