my mom is on like level 30000 how to i make her stop

MINI MARIO ARMY GO!!!!!!! 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖

this was the first game i ever played. truly revolutionary, my dad helped me through half the puzzles in the game. i dont remember anything except holding rocks as nemo

the game you never want to play but get stuck doing

seeing the impact of how this game changed things irl was crazy when it dropped, there was a failing attraction near me that gained interest because there was a bunch of pokestops inside and they started advertising with signs on the road it was funny

spinny spinny spinny spinny spinny spinny spinny spinny spinny spinny spinny spinny my ds screen will never recover

when i got this game it was after my brother sold my wii and decided to upgrade me to a ps3, this was not an upgrade.

love when weapons in games arent just your typical things, but are instead some wacky shit that doesnt make any sense, made this game very memorable for me

was my first entry into cod, although many people will say the previous mw games are better, the gameplay of this one was really fun

without exaggeration, this is the best cod game that will ever be released. every part of this game was, and still is amazing. the atmosphere, design, and gameplay is always consistently great. the multiplayer is unmatched in my opinion, the best maps and weapons of any cod. zombies is the same, even on the lesser maps, the quality of the game is enough to do just about anything you want. mob of the dead, buried, and origins specifically, are some of the most well crafted experiences you could have in gaming

ghosts honestly has some really good game design in some areas, really detailed and dynamic things in this cod. but its like they were trying to innovate too much with this game and just overshot 50% of everything

3ds home menu has so much life in it, like, you can just put stickers all over it. ... ..