I gotta say, I always had a soft spot for this one. I can't deny its flaws, the very suspicious (to say the least) level design choices and how atrocious certain bosses can be (Gate and High Max are just inexcusable), but also can't bring myself to hate this little mess of a game.

The ominous setting of a world where things aren't perfect even after all the sacrifices in X5 just clicks for me. I could say this might be a bit meta? Probably just a stretch, but I like to think it this way.

This premise alongside the gameplay changes I do enjoy (such as the saber for X, new Zero playstyle, parts customization, etc) and some OST bangers always push me through the bad stuff. Alternative stage routes is a great concept but poorly implemented. Character designs here are also some of my favorite in the series by far. I feel like they nailed it on the art side, even though all the rest had to suffer.

A lot of bullshit is always happening, no matter which stage you are. Terrible enemy placements, the Reploid rescue system and a horrible boss balancement (again, Gate makes no sense at all. What were they thinking?!) are very offputting, and I can't blame people for disliking it. The plot's resolution is also a bit disappointing, despite the initial good ideas.

With all of that, this is still my guilty pleasure in the series. Love it or hate it, I feel like they had some great ideas in here. Can't say it's the best in the series, but it's a close tie with X4 for the best in the PS1 era. At least for me, of course.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2024
