Everyone talks about "Luca Blight this" and "Luca Blight that" and yeah you know what that's fair, he's a really funny guy, one of the funniest antagonists in gaming even, we love baby eaters. But why is nobody talking about Neclord? This bum ass vampire shows up, you fight him once after a few lengthy sequences & two dungeons, and then he calls you gay and disappears for like half the game. Like 15 hours later, after one of the best sections of the game, this dumbass comes back forces you into what's basically a filler episode with no bearing on the plot whatsoever that goes on for a comedic amount of time. Eventually you trap him after he finishes talking about how he's going to groom a minor and then he starts shitting his pants because he realizes he's fucked. After this you fight him and he ends up being one of the easiest bosses in the game. And then you continue with the plot as if nothing happened. Now I'm aware he showed up in the first Suikoden, he also died in that game, it's explained he's back due to some stupid bullshit that barely makes sense. Now I must ask, why is he here? What purpose does he serve in the main plotline? Why does nobody talk about Neclord? The masses need to give this forgotten antagonist the respect he truly deserves.

Reviewed on May 27, 2024


22 days ago

I think it was a way to connect both games (and it justifies more the presence of Victor in the game) but I agree it was unnecessary to the game since it adds nothing to the main plotline (at least his boss theme is a banger)
I think in general that the last quarter of the game was weaker compared to the rest except for the very end

14 days ago

@Hannibalmick Oh don't worry I get why he's here lol, he just gives an excuse to give Victor a character arc and show off more of the world. I just wanted to rant about how incredibly funny of a character he is in a satirical way™ because he's genuinely one of the unintentionally funniest characters I've ever seen.

Interested in how you thought the last quarter of the game was weaker though, aside from the Neclord filler arc (which i found hilarious) I had a blast with it. I really love how well the relationship between Jowy & the mc is developed and how both sides very clearly just want the war to come to an end, yet have to fight it out despite that. Jowy in general is at his best during this section of the game and his development during this time is great. Also goes without saying the ending is phenomenal and in my opinion one of the strongest endings in gaming period.

14 days ago

Regarding the last part of the game, I think it lacked a lot of tension compared to the previous arc (notably during the final fight against Luka), and I think the antagonists (except Jowy, and I don't even really count him as an antagonist) are a bit undercooked, I expected a bit more from them.
I agree with you regarding Jowy though, everything about him was perfect to me, and the most emotionnal scenes are of the game are in the final scenes, and his development is really perfectly done in my eyes.
And yeah the ending (at least the first one I had, and I didn't complete the 108 ending stars) is phenomenal, it was really a beautiful and a very sad ending at the same time