Sunset overdrive is a game that feels endearing with how shitty the dialogue is at points, like on one hand it's obviously very shitty, but it never gets to the level that borderlands does with ultra cringe dialogue that makes me want to kill myself. Depending on my mood I'm either like "hell yeah dude this is awesome I love my gigachad protagonist and the biggest group of betas for a supporting cast ever" or "holy fuck please shut the fuck up my ears are bleeding can you please stop talking for 3 seconds" and few games can match that perfect amount of cringe, for what it is I have incredible respect for this game for being to pull that off.

Going away from the dialogue the game itself is fun, exploration is super satisfying and the gunplay is fun enough. I don't like a lot of the weapons and NONE of them feel as good as Ratchet and Clank weapons but with how combat actually plays it works out. I like jumping on shit and grinding on literally anything it's a good time. Honestly my biggest problem is the side content and collectation aspects of this game kinda suck. Especially the side quests, they're really boring.

Basically the game itself is fun if you ignore side content. Dialogue is the perfect amount of cringe to at the very least be endearing. Good and short game to waste a few hours on

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2023
