Fun little romp. Complex for a Kairosoft title. The games' been ported to steam and switch so get those to remove microtransactions

The pinnacle. One of the best mystery dungeons. Boundless content to keep you busy for 1000s of hours.

Great game, but falls short of the original. This was the first mystery dungeon I played and I absolutely loved it. Now after playing many more games in the series and looking at these games with a more critical lens, I find myself agreeing with the dedicated Japanese Shiren fan base. Everything Shiren DS does well, it fumbles at something else that the SNES version did right. The new dungeons are a nice idea, but they're all carry-ins. New monsters? That sounds fun! Oh, they exist impede progress and destroy items...
Honestly just look at the problems listed on this page:

This was my first M&L. Of course, I'm biased but this is still a great game in my eyes, better than others would say. Stuffwell is great (and better than Starlow), shroobs were fun, and the revamped bros attack system was pretty neat.

The pinnacle. One of the best mystery dungeons. Boundless content to keep you busy for 1000s of hours.

Loved this on my 3ds back in the day. Wished it actually had all the content it does now.

The best mobile game in the market. You can remove the whole gacha aspect by seed tracking. All skill baybeee!!!