They never let the gameplay breath with nearly constant dialogue. It makes it incredibly hard to focus on the platforming and combat when these characters won’t pipe down. It’s remarkable for how much they talk, how stale the actual narrative is and where the story goes.

The art style is decent but it clearly was meant to sell Sony 3D tv’s given how often shit flies at the screen. It’s pretty cheap visually and hurts the presentation of the game. The music is good but many songs repeat.

The boss fights were hit or miss. Some were recycled earlier ones and others were unique and interesting. The rat boss fight with the trees stood out.

The scissor cutting mechanic was very satisfying with how it reacts to your cuts in an accurate way. But there wasn’t a lot of depth to it. The gameplay also doesn’t evolve in meaningful ways past act 3. It’s too easy most of the time and relies heavily on these spam square button moments and qte’s to make it more cinematic. Swapping heads was a gimmick and was there to extend the runtime by requiring backtracking and tediously holding onto them until the precise moment they’re needed. I liked all the unique animations for them though.

The whole game was a mixed bag. Some gameplay areas were really cool, others are boring. Same goes for music, voice acting, story, and art. A lot of cool ideas here, just terrible execution.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2023
