[incomplete review, may not finish it because i'm not motivated playing this game]

Nearly a waste of money. Underwhelming other than being a subpar attempt at trying to make an ironic kind of Dark Souls 1. The way the story portrays pixels as "fading memories" seem an interesting concept but i can't get over the fact we got a lame narrator who desperately tries to be so funny as he tries to provoke the player character numerous times. In the end, the player character, which is represented as a headless stick figure (complete with a fake character creation screen), moves on with its glory anyway as if they didn't give a shit about the narrator.

Performance on PS4 (Pro) and PS5 is disappointingly laggy at times due to lack of optimization (i presume).
The gameplay, just like said above, is highly reminiscent of Dark Souls 1, complete with the barebones nature of animations except they are not balanced enough to grant yourself a better escape from multiple enemy attacks, which can be troublesome.

The HUD design is also the most barebones i've ever seen, complete with the use of the 'Press Start 2P' font which does not fare well with a 3D game, and i gotta tell you, Press Start 2P is a font that isn't too good to use in games and it's quite weighty to use in modern games from what i believe.

EDIT (17/10/2023): I bought a PS5 to play with new games, i tried to give a try with both and PS4 and PS5 versions and i can confirm there is slightly no guaranteed performance improvement which is a huge shame. Can't really tell if i should ever continue this game after i got into the mines.

EDIT (22/11/2023): Removed certain Dark Souls comparisons. There was no need of comparing how the animations were structured in the first Dark Souls to this, as i believe this game struggled to design animation timings that are balanced to handle.

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
