The very last id tech 1 game that stands in time. If you have ever played at least Ultimate Doom or Doom II this will probably be a good one. Played this on GZDoom rather than within Veteran Edition's executable engine.

Having played this back when i've beaten Doom II with the Deltarune Susie .wad is quite bit of a experience. The gameplay retains the original functionality seen from the Doom games, but is a small RPG hybrid taking place in a post-apocalyptic timeline inspired by ancient times, containing a simple inventory used for limited storage of items. Also includes a "stealth" element in the game which HOWEVER is not real stealth, so basically it is very easy to get spotted because, being the fact that in Doom monsters could simply spot you when you fire a single bullet in a huge range.

The story is quite fine, but the level design retains the spirit of those Doom maps most of you nostalgics probably are best known so expect quite enigmatic maps with some symmetrical design, and of course a bunch of enemies ready to bust your ass in less than 1 second if you're playing through medium difficulties and beyond. As a modern videogame appreciator, i am not a big fan of Doom-styled map designs as they tend to be quite tough to do in blind, BUT this game goes a bit further with the fact you have to level up weapons in order to improve your firing range and damage. This game has two story paths as well, so choose one which you think is the most valuable.

Moving out from the technical parts, the graphics and general art style aren't bad as they differentiate from Doom's very realistic looking graphics, while sound and music suffer a bit of blandness. The music in general was one of the things i did not like, which was put in a mood that feels different from the actual gameplay itself, so you got, for example, bland techno tune going on while you infiltrate in a building occupied by guards.

I used to play the game on Normal mode (if i am correct) during November-December 2021 until i gave up when i started encountering lots and lots of enemies kicking my ass hundreds of times in more harder levels (and i was like around half of the game idk). It was worth the play, but this is one of these games i regret playing on tough difficulty at first sight. Strife may be not for everyone as being a game from 1996 (which is three years after Doom's original release) and as i said above, expect Doom styled level design and fuckton of enemies one shotting you together if you decide to tackle this game outside the most easiest difficulty.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2022
