FFV is a very interesting and fun game but it does little to really push it above and beyond other JRPGs and even Final Fantasy games in general. The main draw of the game is it's vast job system with 26 different jobs for players to use and master. This gives the player a lot of freedom to customize party members in their own way that can have multiple elements from other classes. It's freedom is incredible but I do have some issues with it, mainly that the bosses require very specific methods to defeat efficently so not all classes are made equally and 25 of the jobs are given to the player a third of the way into the game which, on one hand, allows ore customization options early, but can be overwhelming and the rest of the game's combat can't really get much more interesting than that. My other main issue being with the story ad characters which is very minimual and leaves me pretty unimpressed. However, overall Final Fantasy V is an impressive game for the time with just have varieted and customizable every party member and class is and is a good and challenging expierence I would recommend anyone fimilar with the series try out. I literally just copied this from a college assignment I wrote so like hell yeah 👍

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2023
