You don't see many games touch the topic of bullying and GYLT gets a big plus from me for doing so. The game nails the atmosphere, it's creepy and pretty at the same time, great use of environment (mannequins especially) to create tension. Emily's diary was sometimes painful to read due to experiencing bullying myself.

However, the gameplay is painfully average :( You have very simple stealth system with a couple tools to distract or keep your enemies at bay. The two most common enemy types are dumb and are mostly annoying than scary. The boss fights are pretty straightforward and easy too. Every now and then the game throws a simple puzzle at you to progress forward, usually with no enemies around to bother you (and that's for the better, given the enemies in this game).

It's hard to recommend due to gameplay, but I hope Tequilla Works can someday return to this topic with more thought out game.

It's not the level of Forza Horizon but damn, it's sad Ubisoft is killing this game permanently just like that.

You can tell from the get-go it's a one man project and there are way worse games on Steam. It's pretty average and the story is incoherent, I don't really see the connection with everything that happened on the island and in the flashbacks. It did got few screams out of me (but some were just cheap jumpscares).

Weird German game where you collect fairies like Pokemons, each with their own element, make teams with 3 fairies in each and then battle them in real time from first person perspective on arenas like it's a Quake 3.

Without mods it's a 2.5/5 but with mods it's a 4.5/5 or even a 5/5

Beaten 1st time on difficulty – N/A
Favorite OST:
07 - Screamer Soundtrack 7

Average. Championship can be finished in 2 hours and after that you can play Time Attack, normal single races and Cone Attack, where you are on timer and hitting cones extends your time. I put N/A in difficulty because the AI plays better with each league. In rookie league (easy) and amateur league (normal) the AI was pretty easy to beat. In Pro League they start to be trouble and I had to really pay attention and play well to stay in lead.

Tracks have different settings but most of them feel the same. The last track is the exception, with long highways that throw you into valley of corners. It also happens to have the best music track.

Driving is fast and fun when you’re on straights or soft corners where cars go into this wild drift, with the body of your car barely holding on. Entering harsh corners is frustrating because you absolutely cannot do them with drift and whenever you brake at high speed your car becomes unstable and hard to control, but it’s necessary to learn how to drive in this state if you want to win in Pro League.

AI cheats because they’re not affected by this, they can drive 300km/h and suddenly brake with no trouble, I also noticed they get slightly pushed if they are about to screw up the corner. And driving on gravel/grass has no effect on them. But at least they don’t rubber band from what I noticed, it’s possible to lap them even on Pro difficulty and if you don’t screw up they won’t magically reduce the distance between you and them.

There are 5 tracks, 5 cars, reverse versions of tracks are available after you beat the last league. Interestingly, each car has automatic and manual option and cars with manual transmission have a slightly higher top speed. But we’re talking 5-7km/h faster and I noticed AI in automatic variants were always ahead of their manual variant which shouldn’t happen, unless the AI is not good at switching gears. And frankly the difference is barely noticeable, you’re just handicapping yourself. Key bindings are horrible for playing manual and there’s no option to change key binds in options. You drive with arrow keys, to switch gear up you press right Alt button, to switch gear down, left Control aaaand to play like this my right thumb was uncomfortably extended to reach the Alt while I used other fingers for arrow keys. But it is an interesting design choice that in theory rewards those who pick cars that require more control to drive, it’s just not worth it in this case.

This game also crashes a lot. Steam version, GOG version, retail version, no exceptions and there’s no fix for this other than playing in 320x200 256 color mode. I decided to stick to 640x480 and just shrug off the crashes. The game looks stretched even in 480p at 4:3 ratio on a 1080p monitor, can’t imagine what it looks like in 200p. I also had minor visual glitches, but nothing that hinders the gameplay. In my 2,5 hours with this I had around 8-10 crashes to desktop.

I don’t recommend this one given crashes and not the best gameplay. I am looking forward to play the second game as it doesn’t appear to have many technical difficulties and has higher User score on metacritic.

Beaten 1st time on difficulty – Moderate

Favorite Tracks:
03 - Cradle of Civilization
07 - Whirling Dulcimer
13 - Mountain Temple

Strange remaster because the visuals are completely overhauled, some missions slightly changed and they implemented a small yet a very important change – your units can walk over farms! They no longer count as a building that units have to walk around! But at the same time, they left the original pathfinding – which is horrible. Units often get stuck on each other, it takes a few seconds for the game to calculate a new path if something just obstructed the way. On one hand it’s cool – you get the OG experience, but on other it sucks because it’s not very good. I don’t like this mixed game preservation. Would much prefer more changes or just make sure the game launches on modern OS with support for >1080p and leave the rest.

And I wish I played this AoE before the second game, because AoE II is first game with improvements to everything – pathfinding, units, civilization variety, better campaigns and goddamn gates!

But there’s a good game in here when everything works. When pathfinding doesn’t cause issues and you’re free to play however you want in skirmishes/late campaign missions. I often would fall into that automatic mode where I just gather resources, build my army, hold my base, all without much thinking and time just flies. That’s a mark of a good RTS.

If you, like me, want to see how series started I guess it’s not a bad remaster. With untouched pathfinding you’ll definitely experience the same frustration like people did in 90’s. But if you just want to play a good RTS right away, start with the second game.