After playing the first Blasphemous and ending up disappointed and frustrated by it, I was cautiously interested in this sequel. Would it improve on the weird difficulty spikes, issues with the platforming, and general lack of polish that plagued the original?

+ graphical presentation is of the highest order
+ some screens rival Italian Renaissance chiaroscuro paintings
+ character and enemy designs are wonderfully weird and uncanny
+ combat options are varied and satisfying
+ boss fights are not the usual skill ceilings
+ weapons double as key items for progress
+ bead and statue systems allow for plenty of customization
+ soul system from souls-likes has been smartly changed up
+ one particular bead makes finding secrets easier
+ music has a fittingly grandiose style and quality
+ a lot of secrets to uncover...

- ...but the number of collectibles is daunting
- the mace is OP and makes the other weapons obsolete
- boss introductions and dialogue cannot be skipped
- the verbose and obscurantist writing style is just so worn out
- quest item descriptions are rarely helpful in solving the quests
- important movement upgrades are found relatively late in the game
- little enemy variety and a lot of repeats from the first game
- some parts of the map are too hard to find

Playtime: 19 hours, 99% of the map uncovered, most but not all collectibles found.

Magic Moments: Finding one of the starting weapons in the dungeon and realizing how the game is structured. Entering shops and quest rooms and marveling at their incredibly detailed designs. Seeing a giant men feed a baby.

My opinion shortly after finishing the game could not be more clear: The fine people at Team17 have created a tight, polished Metroidvania that improves on the original in almost every way. The combat is more varied and tighter than ever before, the graphical presentation is frequently awe-inspiring, and the various collectables, although a bit too high in number, allow for lots of experimentation and varied personal playstyles. The newcomer-friendly difficulty is a most welcome change as well and shows that bosses do not have to serve as frustrating skill tests to be enjoyable.

In combination, Blasphemous 2 is a must play for fans of the original and a certain recommendation for anyone else.
Play it, Penant One, and a atone for your sins.

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

@casey_ No, you don't really have to. The playstyles are pretty different, the quality of this one is much higher and you won't understand the story anyway without doing a lot of research. So hack away!