A cute little indie game starring a girl playing a Flying V electric guitar so obscure that it does not even have an entry on howlongtobeat? Talk about my jam!

+ the world is colourful and lovingly created
+ the female main character kills with a Flying V
+ except for the balloon upgrade, the controls are tight
+ the ingame currency is found plentiful in each level
+ health can be easily replenished
+ level design does a lot with very few elements
+ upgrades feel meaningful and liven up the combat

- the heavy metal tracks feel misplaced
- boss designs are a bit broken and simplistic
- one-hit traps are frustrating
- levels do not hide collectables well
- there is no final boss that requires the entire toolset

Playtime: 1 hour and 30 minutes with 101% completion.

Magic Moment: Getting the spread shot and spreading sick riffs throughout the land.

Amabilly does exactly what the team at were likely aiming for: it provides a, quick, snappy side-scrolling action game without bells and whistles, that is plain fun for what it is. Still, it is disappointing that despite the premise, the music plays only a tiny role and really has no bearing on the core design.

However, if you like the art style or feel a knack for a tinge of nostalgia for the 8 and 16-bit era of these kinds of games, you can do much worse than with Amabilly.

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2023
