+ a huge Metroidvania that rewards curiosity and effort
+ sequence breaking is encouraged and rewarded with a variety of possible pathways
+ sign system offers helpful, wordless hints for traversal
+ soul trade-off system is a genuine innovation and perfectly executed
+ large variety of items and collectibles
+ combat system is perfectly executed and satisfactory
+ large variety of memorable, kick-ass boss fights that are tough but fair
+ a beautifully melancholic atmosphere with a distinct, hand-crafted art style
+ amazing soundtrack that changes depending on the context of the action (low health)
+ most NPCs have a life of their own and a story to tell

- screen shake effect when taking damage is overdone
- Crystal Dash cannot be canceled
- foremost front layer tends to get in the way of the action
- world map unlock system is an acquired taste
- map marker is tied to a charme
- dreamnail waypoint system is tied to progress
- resource retrieval system after death is antithetical to the exploratory approach
- checkpoints are too rare and not placed well
- main character is a hollow vessel and completely uninteresting
- obscurantist writing in the DS style is played out and tiresome
- missing contours and outlines of the map are needlessly confusing
- notch system for charms feels limiting and some are simply useless
- spells are too weak in the beginning and too strong in the end
- in-game economy is not balanced well and superfluous by the half-way point
- story and the endings feel like fluff and not worth the hassle
- lackluster DLC that add little to the game as a whole (except for masochists)
- final boss is a disappointment
- Path of Pain is bullshit (although I completed it!)

Magic Moment(s): Entering Greenpath for the first time and falling in love with the music. Climbing up the path to the Colosseum.
Best Boss: Mantis Lords. A perfectly designed boss with clear tells, attacks and weaknesses.
Worst Boss: Nigtmare King Grimm. It just isn't worth it, and the amazing music is wasted on a boss that kills you in seconds.

Verdict: Hollow Knight is a great addition to its genre and a polished, exciting experience. It offers a huge, beautiful world full of secrets and rewards you for exploring it, thus helping you to improve and overcome the manifold tough challenges as you explore. The combat just works and the playstyle options are genuinely innovative and well-implemented. However, while being exceedingly difficult in parts, most of the frustration is not caused by the tough enemies and unique bosses, but by the lackluster implementation of the checkpoint system. Having to reclaim you resources after a death might work in Souslikes, but here, it becomes an unnecessary obstacle in traversing and exploring the world on your own accord. Despite these shortcomings, however, Hollow Knight is a great effort by Team Cherry and a must-play for every fan of the genre.

Reviewed on May 08, 2022
