Just because Rivet and Kit are cute, it doesn't mean you can repeat the same boss over and over and get away with it!

I remember liking the 2016 game, so I was actually quite optimistic about Rift Apart. I don't know if this one is worse, or if I actually don't like the other game that much either, but I was so let down by the gameplay. The graphics are stunning, the planets have interesting biomes and exploring them can be fun, but I don't like the combat very much, mainly because you fight the same enemies throughout the entire game. I played on normal for the most part, but by the end I was so tired that I switched to easy (the second option, not the "story mode"). I don't care, It's not like I was having any enjoyment before, I just wanted to be done and move on.

I like that there is a lot of variety, though. Each planet has a theme, minigames are scattered in a way that isn't annoying or tiring, you play as different characters, so on. It's all signs of a good mascot platformer. However, nothing really grabs me. For example, the Glitch portions are neat at first, but with each stage they just throw more enemies without doing anything interesting besides that. At least it's cute when she winks. The dimensional portals could be better used as well, since the whole game revolves around it.

My point is, I'd rather they get the core gameplay right before adding so many different things, resulting in a hollow experience overall.

Before finishing the game, I went to past levels to find some things I missed. There is a pocket dimension in Blizar Prime where, if you die like the dumbass that I am, you get stuck in that place forever due to a glitch (not the spider). I tried finding a solution and all people say is to go to your files on PC and reload a previous save, but with no solution for PS5 players. Turns out, you just have to load a safety save in the main menu, instead of continuing, so don't worry if the same ever happens to you. It's astonishing how Insomniac still hasn't fixed this, on top of many other glitches like an enemy with frozen AI and getting stuck in geometry. After this scare, I just went to the end before the game blows up or something.

Oh yeah, and the ending was fine. It's pretty much what you'd expect from a Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks-like story. I'm disappointed there wasn't a scene with the characters dancing to a generic pop song.

Gameplay: C
Level design: C
Story: C
Characters: B
Visuals: S
Music: D
Difficulty: Optional (Normal>Easy)

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
