It's pretty much like the first game, but slightly worse than the first game. In other words, there are newly added mechanics and a more complex gameplay, but it cannot provide the feeling of journey that the first game gave as successfully as the first game. Some mechanics undermined the flow of the game (such as the constantly breaking sail), and the use of much less fuel and limited repair tools than in the first game sometimes caused me to go back and start from an old save. So why was such a gameplay choice made? Why can't I move the ship manually when I'm in trouble like in the first game? The game generally prefers underwater cities and wide oceans as its settings, and there are very nicely designed levels with its unique art design, but it is a rather monotonous choice in terms of variety. As a story, we explore ancient civilizations (even though I don't understand it) and the story eventually connects to the first game. As a result, although I do not find it as successful as the first game, FAR: Changing Tides still offers a pleasant journey experience like the first game. The added mechanics are not bad and I liked the connection to the story, but my gaming experience was quite interrupted by the bad aspects I mentioned above. But it doesn't hurt to try, if you liked the first game, you may like this game too.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

Honestly surprised you gave it a positive review man. I found the first game utterly tedious, and the fact that the second one is worse makes me even less inclined to play it.