Pokemon Crystal was the best Pokemon game when it released. It feels like the second generation really refined the mechanics and gameplay of the Pokemon series. This game is often criticized for it's exp curve issues, but I found that if you play this game daily, interacting with it's world in the way it was built for, these issues don't really occur as much. This game was a wonderful little world to engross myself in whenever I had a spare moment.

See my review for Pokemon Red, but also, I swept through this game with nothing but a Charizard and a Mew and I think that's pretty neat :3

This game's mechanics are very different from modern Pokémon. At first, this was obnoxious, but when I learned to play with the mechanics in the intended ways it actually became another layer to the game I appreciated! This game definitely has an exp curve issue, but it isn't so great that it makes the game impossible without grinding. Overall, very fun when you choose to immerse yourself in it!