A fun sometimes frustrating experience. So fat my favorite out of the sprite based FF games. Job system would interesting although I didn't quite go super in depth with it (mastered about 2 jobs on each character). I played the pixel remaster version and overall the game looked fine and sounded great. Some boss fights were a bit annoying and some normal enemies were just HP sponges which made some areas drag with how long some encounters would take. But overall a pretty good time. Between the two FF games that focus on the job system this game and 3 I think both still have their place especially nowadays with 3's pixel remaster. This game is good for those who really want to get down and dirty with the job system while 3 I think is a much easier pick up and play version of this game. So if you want a more casual time play 3 and if you want a more advanced game play this one. I would also reccomend 3 first if you're new to FF or just rpgs with job systems as this game might throw into the deep end with it.

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2023
