The RE series is an odd one for me, I have played them out of order originally played RE5 when it came out skipped 6 tried 7 (I really struggle with first person horror) and haven't attempted RE8. So, I was interested in the remakes of RE 2 & 3 and got them on a good deal. I had such a "fun" time playing RE2, I say fun, but I was scared for quite a bit of it at the being. but once the scare factor wore off it is an amazing looking 3rd person survival horror. The story is pretty average and services the game well enough to keep it moving forward.
Graphics in this game are gorgeous to look at, the RE engine does wonders and really makes the game feel so lived in and realistic with character models and the environments.
Gameplay is pretty good, and I think they did a really good job modernizing the feel of the game.
For and steam sale of $12 including RE3 this is a no brainer. Well worth the time and money I would recommend this to anyone who loves horror and hasn't played a Resident evil game before.

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023
