I played Alan Wake when it originally came out on the Xbox 360 13 years ago and again when I bought a PC. It is safe to say that I love this game and what Remedy do with their games, everything about Alan Wake is right up my alley from the story, tone, characters, music etc., I love it all. I bought the remaster as preparation for Alan Wake 2 and finished this run through the day of AW2 release and literally finished the main story just as reviews came out which I then watched a handful of reviews and made me even more excited for this universe. The main story of AW is a fun, wild, interesting story with great cast of characters, the plot moves forward and a great pace with each chapter ending like an episode of twin peaks then once you continue on you get the "Previously on" as if you are tuning back into an episode of your favorite t.v series. The cliffhanger at the end has been killing me for 13 years to know what happens next and FINALLY that burning question is being answered now.

Graphics are as good as they can get for a game that was released 13 years ago, not bad looking but not groundbreaking.

The performance of this remaster is the thing that let's this review down the most. Everything runs smooth I only had visual glitch throughout my whole 16hr run of the game every time light was used my game would glitch out which being AW light is use all the time. I would be able to fix this by hitting esc then back into the game, though this did get quite frustrating after the first hour especially when I would be in the middle of combat and die to this issue. I am not sure what the fix for this is, I am assuming it might have to do with brightness or HDR. I honestly didn't care enough to look into it.

It was fun to play the DLC that was released for the game as I had never played them before and was a welcome inclusion for the game.

After finishing AW I am even more excited to play AW2 and Control 2 when that eventually comes out.

As I said before I am loving what Remedy is doing with this connecting universe and I am here for it all.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2023
