I tell you what, I have never been so happy to finish a game like I am with Diablo 4. What started out like a lot of fun at the beginning turned into the most boring experience I think I have had in my last 10 years of gaming. I remember all the fun memories I had playing D3 with friends running through the campaign for each class leveling them up the hype of getting a legendary item, to finding my first loot goblin, thinking of all the fun I had back then to then playing this steaming, boring slog of a game. The story is quite boring, the combat is good but quickly gets old, the graphics are fantastic can't fault them. IMO the biggest mistake this game makes is making you WALK for over 20 hours of the game to then get a horse right near the end. I was doing all my side quest griding out my Nerco and push through to only find out how long it takes to get faster movement and it kind of burnt me out.

I wish they would of given people the horses earlier that might have saved a bit of the game, But at the end I am quite disappointed in this game, Once I reached the end and rolled credits I didn't even realize I was at the end, I had killed the final boss 30 minutes before and did not even notice that's how of an impact the games story had done for me.

If I hadn't spent $110 AUD on this game, I would of DNF'd this at 15-20 hours I would not recommend this to anyone unless it's super cheap (which ain't going to happen) or you get a party of mates and just run through it.

I wish I hadn't bought this game at full price and waited for a sale. I am quite sad with release and I will defenantly not be buying any expansions to this game.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
