3 Reviews liked by Amukarna

If anyone tells you video games can't be art, make them play this game.

I haven't even finished half of it and it by far has exceeded the expectations of any video game I have ever played. The level design is a work of art. At every corner you feel lost and confused yet, somehow, you are always on the right track. The rollercoaster-linearity of the world allows you to follow the narrative so closely while enjoying every secret it has to offer. The excitement from the writers and coders of HL2 shine throughout their own play with the physics THEY created, an experience blind to any book or movie or tv show (in the sense that it is a new world completely given to you requiring no imagination at all? (in a good way!!)). The music is transparent and blends seamlessly into your vision. I can't even begin to dissect the political nuance of its plot as I know nothing about politics but you can feel the irreparable hierarchy the characters in this play are confronted with. Gordon is a hot asf too

despite its themes, i found it charming?? it's kinda refreshing seeing a toxic codependent relationship depicted in such a darkly humorous angle but doesn't make it any less serious + further explores its destructive nature