this game is harder than elden ring hhhh passing to the next level was so satisfying i was like 12 when i played it

hhhhh i was so creative in this game

playing it in hard mode is like playing a souls game ,great game


i will never forget my days with this game it was the fist game that i really want to be good at and the nostalgia with friends in high school was so fun playing it .but know i stopped bcs every game has an end BOSS /LOKAS / i was like zerzban hhh /RIP FREE FRIWA 2019/2023

best game i played before gta5 . and the mune song was masterpiece

same as very little nightmare i played it with my little brother. it was so funny and scary and a great experience

it was a great experience and it was scary and funny at the same time and what made it more enjoyable is that i played it with my little brother