A unique entry to the series. Black Flag lets you play as a pirate turn assassin. You can drive a ship. Engage in combat with enemies. Collect the resources after you hijacked them. For me, this entry is my favorite when it comes to story. Man, the epilogue is so touching. I had tears in my eyes. Being a pirate commanding a ship and taking down enemy ships from the easiest ones to the troublesome ones, it's definitely one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. But that's where the problem lies. This is not the best game if you want to be an assassin. I had trouble with its gameplay. Particularly in stealth. As someone who played AC Syndicate as their first AC game, the ability to crouch without entering bushes is very missed. Also, as someone who likes to complete side missions before the main ones, the rope assassination introduced in the endgame was barely used.

As of writing this review, there's a rumor that Black Flag will get a remake. In my opinion, it's not necessary because the gameplay still holds up to this day. But if it happens, please fix the stealth.

Reviewed on May 7th, 2024.

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
