Saying this is inspired from Dawn of the Dead is a little of an understatement, as it’s a flat out rip-off though without any of the actual macabre sinisterism or depth of the 1978 cult classic.
This thing just reeks of zombie fanboy fantasy, playing to all the inventive ways of attacking, maiming and obliterating large groups of docile zombies without any real threat, intensity or reason for any for it..
The storyline cutscenes are tedious, feeling more of a George Romero afterthought than anything with incentive, even believing the main protagonist as a professional photo-journalist is a ridiculous insight to how shoddy and implausible this game actually is..
Its like a limited GTA sandbox in a zombie infested shopping mall but with no real direction apart from, kill zombies, rescue survivors, kill more zombies..

This endless mind numbing gorefest unfortunately will gratify a lot of people..

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2023
