A pretty good game with some glaring flaws. The music and visuals are great, the combat system is fun and unique (basically a turn-based+action RPG mix in which turns run off a timer and skills are defined by wether you're in lit or dark areas of the battlefields), the characters are nice and charming (Salsa best) and the story is good (although I can see why the ending is divisive, but I personally liked it). I also really like how all of the game's locations and characters are named after music-related terms (though Jazz and Rock seem out of place for the game's time). But all the great things about the game are somewhat offput by some notable flaws.

First off, the enemy variety is extremely EXTREMELY lacking. There's about a dozen different enemy types, which the game just recolors throughout the whole game and every area only has 2-4 different enemy types at once, which greatly undermines the unique combat system. Secondly, I found the pacing of the game to be rather odd, with some parts that feel like straight up filler. And last but not least, I found Chopin and the whole dream setting to both be somewhat underutilized at times, though this is somewhat softened by how heavily the game's world and characters seem to borrow from Chopin's story.

The sad thing is that, even though I enjoyed the game overall quite a lot, those flaws are big enough that I ended up feeling that the game ended up having a lot of wasted potential. But oh well, at least the game was short enough to not overstay its welcome and I enjoyed my time with it a good bit. Pretty charming and unique game that's worth a playthrough. Learned more about history from the short segments about Chopin's life than I did during school and high school too, honestly.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2020
