This is a game that, on paper, sounded extremely interesting to me. I really dig the survival concept and I had heard good things this game in particular. But man, I just can't get into it at all.

Let's start with the interface, it's ugly as hell and feels extremely dated. The combat is pretty weak and nothing special. Exploration was boring from what I played as there want much of interest to see, too. Visually the game is not bad but it's nothing amazing, and the ugly interface still bothers me.

Survival elements, more or less the focus here, are alright, as you have to keep track of food, water, sleep and such, as well as ailments (such as getting sick from the cold, for example). But the way certain things work is just rather dumb, such as how you collect wood by just getting next to a tree and holding a key instead of having to chop it down with an axe or something. Or torches, which you can seemingly magically lit from your inventory instead of needing to ignite them from fires or something (in fact, you seemingly can't ignite torches from fires such as campfires at all). So basically, the survival elements have this quirk where they made some things realistic but others are really gamey and I'm not fond of that at all.

So yeah I didn't really like what I played. I might give it another shot sometime (and I feel like I should go in with a more open mind) but I feel like I have other games in my backlog that would be better to scratch that survival itch, even if they wouldn't be QUITE as fleshed out in some survival aspects, so I probably will just delete it off my drive.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2020
