The Silent Hill ass Oozes feel so bizarre for the series, but I like their goofy asses. The bosses are better though, particularly the ones that show that they retain some humanity. I actually loved that quite a bit.

The Jill parts are the best but there's a lot of distractions that, while enjoyeable, just aren't as good as the main event. I like the ship a good bit too.

The gameplay is pretty solid but it lacks the impact of RE4 and RE5. I really dig the weapon modding system tho, because it doesn't have the issue that RE4 and specially RE5 had with weapon upgrades. In those games I ignored new weapons because I had already used up money on old ones. Here I can just swap the mods around. Evade is jank (why did they try to imitate RE3's?) and bosses can be lame but I actually really liked the final boss (also the one time I could consistently use evades).

Story is kinda meh. I like most of the new characters but for a game called Revelations, it sure as fuck didn't reveal shit. It's all self-contained and feels completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, at least right now. With how they fucked up Jill's face, she might as well be a new character too, which made me feel an extra disconnect from the rest of the series. Story is also just kind of a clusterfuck, but I found it pretty entertaining and naming a virus "T-Abyss" goes hard ngl.

Still, I enjoyed it a good bit overall. Probably gonna put a lot of time into RAID mode now because that looting RPG shooter bullshit is my kinda bullshit.

Note/Rant: I dunno why anyone calls it a "return to form" tho. It's not scary and it's actiony as fuck, not unlike 5 which people whine about. Then again the series has always been actiony as fuck and not scary to me. 1-4 were scary only because I live in Venezuela and I feared power going out randomly between save points and nothing else, and you're a killing machine in all of them after the first hour. I've never really got those complains in general, anyway.

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2022
