This game is one that I don't enjoy because it kind of just feels like the other launch game but with worse controls. The whole game feels like this weird stop and go kind of game and not only is the enemy variety super limited but they can go die in a fire on the even numbered stages. ALL THEY DO IS CAMP AND SNIPE YOU! The enemies shouldn't be so good at getting you when you're so slow in turning. The second stage gives the game such a bad impression as it's easily the worst stage in the game. Just like Space Harrier II for some reason the bosses are the easiest part of the whole game. The overhead stuff isn't too bad either but I can't even tell half the time what can kill me or not. Look it's not the worst game ever or even the worst of 1988 but this is not worth playing now. I'll still need to give it another playthrough though.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2022


1 year ago

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