Pinball goes out what it's set to do which is be Pinball. For 1984 this is a good enough take on the genre. It surprisingly is better than some of the later pinball games seen on the system. This game would also be developed by Iwata which I believe was one of his earliest Nintendo games he worked on.

The pinball table you get to have for the game is fun at the top but I'm not too big of a fan of the bottom section, it just feels a little mismanaged and it's easy to lose balls if you're not too good at the game. It can feel pretty fun to get a big score by doing the many things available on the board.

One of the most interesting parts of the game is the bonus game where you play as Mario trying to help Pauline. Though strangely you can lose a ball here if you don't save Pauline when she falls. Putting Mario on the cover of the US and PAL region boxes for this game probably helped give the game more appeal and made this even more of a highlight for anyone who had tried the game.

Nowadays there's much better ways to play pinball and I'm surprised Nintendo even still rereleases, it even took them like over 3 years just to put it on Switch NSO, Nintendo why?? I can't really say you should go out of your way to play this but I guess I can say it led to some other better Nintendo pinball games that aren't called Super Mario Ball/Mario Pinball Land.

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2022
