This game makes me in sad but not in the way the game is bad but because I know it was rushed. This game had potential to be really good but it's bog down by just not being that interesting. It didn't help Streets of Rage 2 came out the same year. Despite being the finale of the franchise (yes I know it got more games) it really doesn't try to do anything interesting. Even Double Dragon II on the Famicom was more interesting and that was on weaker hardware.

Some of the combat here can be fun and thankfully unlike a lot of beat em ups nothing is too frustrating here. I do wish the game was better visually and framerate wise because even Streets of Rage 1 was better than this. I will give the music credit as it's pretty good especially the main theme.

It's a hard game for me to write about but I just really wish this game was finished, I'm not saying it be an easy 10/10 if it was but I just hate knowing I played a game that clearly wasn't ready to be released. I know it could have been better and it's just another example of a game hurt by development struggles.

You know what's even more tragic? This game got a rerelease in 2018 but you couldn't play it on real hardware! You had to use a clone console to even play the damn thing. Who thought that be a good idea? It's like they were asking to be hated.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2022
