So this was a surprise, this game finally got a fan translation. For those who don't know this originally had an unfinished one over 2 decades ago, was really shocked to see this finally get one. I love Magic Knight Rayearth, it's in my top 3 Anime ever made. So to see this get fan translated got me excited. Though don't expect really anything from the game.

This is a very simple RPG like so simple you only have two attacks and no items outside of keys for Fuu's story. You start with picking from one of the three girl's adventure as they get sucked into the painting and you have to get them all out of their own world to reunite. It kind of reminds me of that one part of the anime where they all got seperated in that Fountain.

This game like the Game Gear game is more of a non canon what if scenario then being based off an event from the Manga or Anime, though the game still gives you a few screens of text for the context of the story of the series. This seems to take place around after they got the Escudo as they have their swords by this point.

It's a shame it's all basic though, I like the dialogue but the game itself is so basic that it's impossible to recommend it to anyone that isn't a diehard MKR fan. Now I'll give more slack then the Super Famicom game which was made by the same developer in the same year because at least this is a Game Boy game. But this was also 1995, for the record backloggd has the date wrong, this came out June 2nd 1995.

That's not to say there isn't criticism to be had as there is little enemy variety which is kind of baffling considering the game is 2 hours long. Still you could do worse and it's expect for a handheld like this. I do think the dialogue carries the game a lot if I'm being honest. It's just nice to see the girls again after so long I've seen the Anime. It also won't be frustrating as I only died once and that was because of bad luck.

The game is nothing too special but the portraits look nice and this game has really good SGB borders. There's a total of 5 of them just for this game which is really cool to me personally. I'm kind of surprised on the animation for the girls' attack animation, they are more smooth then I thought they would be. The music also is quite good and some of it would later be used in the Super Famicom game. I like how they also try to simulate Mokona's "pu pu!" noise.

Yeah in some ways it's a shame that it's another nothing special game for the series that you could argue is bad but I'm still glad I got to try it. Will I ever replay it? No, probably not unless it was for a specific reason. Thank you for the translators for making this playable for more fans of the series! Hoping someday the 2nd Game Gear game will get this treatment.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2023
