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1 day

Last played

June 28, 2023

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I'm sorry guys, I really tried to like this game. I gave it a good 20 hours almost but it just never stuck. I played the Persona Q games and enjoyed them a ton so getting into this series I thought it would be up my alley. But it lacks a lot of the QOL features, I dont like drawing walls on maps as it slows down exploration. I dont like how small dungeons are compared to the Q games, I dont like how backtracking accommodates for how small the dungeons are thus padding them out. I miss the big puzzle solving dungeons of the Q games. I dont like how there arent save points before a big boss so you have to deal with boss runs like its an early dark souls game. I think the battle system is too basic once you get to grips with it, the customisation of every party member is decent but limited early game and enemy encounters feel repetitive. No boost system like in Q or big weakness targeting incentives like Persona or SMT. It doesnt have that X factor making it stand out like the brave system from bravely or something else to make it unique, it feels too vanilla. Its generally a bit too basic.

The music and atmosphere is damn incredible though, 10/10 in that department. The dungeons look amazing, combine that with the music it feels whimsical like I'm being whisked away to another world. However the lack of any story or interesting and unique characters is really what killed this game for me. I get party members being generic is a roleplay thing but I would rather have unique party members rather than generic classes with portraits of your choosing. I've sat through mediocre RPG gameplay before for the story like in the Trails game. But here, 20 hours in there really isnt anything happening sadly.