Evil West was the Playstation plus free game for January '23 and I wasn't sure what to think. I never read up on games and I rarely watch trailers. It was obviously about the wild west and I was hoping to feel nostalgia for RDR2. I did not.

However, this game was so fun. A bit overwhelming at times given the sheer amount of enemies, but it was still really fun. The combat is so cool and there's a bunch of different weapons to assist you, each one can be upgraded with electricity for a more powerful punch.

The game is ridiculously pretty and I'm sad that there's no photo mode. Even so, I feel like I got some really nice shots. There's also an arachnophobia mode which immediately boosted up the game's score for me because I'm terrified of spiders.

The story is also unique and really cool, I was interested to see where it would go. The characters are rich and Jessie, the main, is likable. His moody, 'I don't have time for your bullshit' demeanor is so relatable to me haha I didn't really like Emilia at first but she definitely grew on me and I was cheering her on by the end. I hate that they killed off [redacted], he was such a good character T^T)

Throughout each level, you can find notes that give a little more background to the characters and story. These are voiced by the characters who wrote them which is really great for the people who don't like reading in video games. Along with that, there's these loot chests hidden around that can contain perks, perk points, skins, etc.

The levels are linear, but there are a couple of instances where it branches off and you're unsure which one advances the story and which one contains loot. I THINK if you hear the voice lines from characters, you're going the right way, so turn around and take the other path for some loot!

Chester was easily the best character, in my opinion, and I wish he had a bigger role to play. I wish he was more present in the story but he only appears twice, at the start and end of the game. He deserved better! At least he didn't [redacted] like [redacted] though.

There are a couple of small, simple puzzles within the levels to figure out how to progress. Like I said, they are simple and pretty easy to solve which made me feel smart because I'm dumb lmao

There was one chapter, 12 - Lightning in a Bottle, where the audio lagged, wasn't in synch, and made a skipping sound that scared the hell out of me because I wasn't sure if it was my internet, my console or the game. It was just the beginning of that level, though, and the rest of the game was fine.

I also wanna take a moment to admire the small details - the lanterns lighting up the path were swarmed with moths! I'm not sure why, but this really caught my attention and it was a really nice touch, in my opinion.

Also, they don't use the term "vampire" which is an interesting choice. Not a bad one, just interesting. Makes me want to look up the history of the word and when it first appeared.

Overall, this game was a lot of fun and didn't take 8,000 hours to complete which is a plus! Definitely recommended c:

I forgot to add that it has an auto save feature and not a manual one which kind of sucks. You can't just leave when you want, you gotta wait for it to save. However, they did add a timer that tells you how much time has past since the game was saved. No guesswork!

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2024
