I am an huge fan of the first Dying Light, it's tight and satisfying progression system with an well-made and fun melee combat + rich side-content really made me love that game back in the day. when this sequel was announced in 2018 I was very excited to see what Techland could take that approach and improved it immensely though it did improves a lot over the first game, it also feels an downgrade in others.

the parkour-system and combat are still great and fighting with Humans is no longer an slog for example.

progression-system is just as tighter like the first game, Techland once again nailed that feeling of being an lazy character during your first hours of playtime to effectively flying over the open-world and killing enemies with style later in the game.

the open-world itself it's your usual Ubisoft game mostly, mixed activities all around the map that gets old quickly.

Night-time don't feel as risky like in the first game since they had the brilliant idea to remove the Volatiles roaming the streets and is genuinely not that terrifying anymore.

combat against Infected is nowhere near as satisfying like in Dying Light 1 and they are no longer the focus in this game.

the story definitely had it's moments and I considered it to be better than DL1 but yeah the writing is still atrocious mostly.

overall Dying Light 2 is fun and it did improved it on the design of the series but the other areas felt like an step back and it made me appreciate the first one far more in retrospect.

Reviewed on May 20, 2022
