Completed the base Nioh game without any external help on forums/guide videos on youtube. Still playing the DLC.

Update : Quitted as there was a lot of grind in levelling up the main character for missions in DLC.

Pros :

Overall, the game is goooood!
What makes this game unique is the 3 different stances mode - high, mid and low.

This stances mechanic makes the game more fun and enjoyable and gives variety to the combat. You need to switch your stance according to the boss fight - MID/LOW if you need more mobility of dodging/blocking while attacking or HIGH if you need maximum damage. Figuring the best stance for a particular boss is fun! Also the 3 stances are available for all the many different weapons in the game!

Cons :

The game doesn't have a good rewarding parry system like Sekiro has. I never felt the parry mechanic in Nioh. While in-game they do say they have the parry mechanic, but I never felt it. It doesn't even feel like parry exists in the game.

The story was average. I wanted to be invested into the story but was disappointed as the game doesn't go into the stories of the characters that much. Overall, the story is bland.

Lot of grinding in level of the character. Also the bosses can one-hit you. So you need to dodge everything, if one attack from the boss lands on you, you are dead.

The enemy variety is low. The enemy type is too repeated. On submissons you basically play the same bosses which you have beat earlier.

Final Conclusion :

The game is a must play for souls like fans! it has enough to seperate itself and feels unique.

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2023


9 months ago

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