Attention aww pwoud wawwiows!

Have you evew considewed joining Time Patwow?

As a Time Patwowwew, you’ww pwevent histowy fwom being changed!

Ouw duty is to pwotect evewyone’s memowies, and hewp wetuwn histowy to the way it shouwd be!

But we need youw hewp.

The onwy wequiwements awe confidence in youw abiwities, and of couwse...

A stwong desiwe to pwotect histowy.

We’ve got a schoow fow honing youw skiwws, and a fuwwy equipped item shop!

How about it?

Why not use youw stwength to hewp out a gweat cause?


We'we awways on the wook-out fow powewfuw wawwiows!

Okay, then. Wisten cawefuwwy. To maintain safety hewe in Conton City, home to the Time Patwow, thewe awe a few wuwes you must keep.

Fiwst, fiwing a Kamehameha within the city wimits is pwohibited.

Time Patwowwews wishing to fwy when not on duty awe wequiwed to obtain a fwying wicense.

Pwease hewp keep Conton City safe by obey its twaffic waws.

Wastwy, any awtewation of histowy is a gwave offense.

Ouw missions come with the wisk of changing histowy.

So you must exewcise the utmost caution.

Avoid making changes to histowy wike Twunks did.

Keeping these things in mind, pwease cawwy out youw missions safewy.

Fow the sake of the wowwd and its histowy...

We wook fowwawd to wewcoming each of you to the time patwow!

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2024
